16 September, 2012


Scientific Name: Prunella modularis

Population Estimate: >30M in Europe alone

Range / Habitat: Temperate areas throughout Europe and Asia with some migratory behavior. Found in woodland, scrub, and gardens. Introduced to New Zealand.

Field Notes: Small, solitary, ground-foraging passerine. Brown and black streaked back, grey head, fine black bill. Can be mistaken for House Sparrow, but no grey or rufous to head and no black bib.

Personal Notes: Hard bugger to get a photo of, for as common as they are. Also known as Hedge Accentor.


Scientific Name: Ninox novaeseelandiae

Population Estimate: Unknown, but Least Concern status

Range / Habitat: Forested areas throughout both islands of New Zealand and Tasmania.

Field Notes: Dark brown owl, spotted and barred buff. Yellow eyes set in dark facial mask. Call a loud double hoot - "more-pork". Little Owl is a locally common European introduction in the South Island of New Zealand but is smaller, lighter and has a shorter tail.

Personal Notes: Maori name Ruru. Some sources consider this to be Southern Boobook. We were so excited to get a daytime sighting of this bird at Karori Wildlife Sanctuary.